Working with Primitive Types

The primitive types are the most basic data types available. They are defined by Java.

There are eight primitive data types in Java.

  • boolean
  • char
  • byte
  • short
  • int
  • long
  • float
  • double
Type Default Size Range Example
boolean false 1 byte true or false true, false
char ‘\u0000’ 2 bytes 0 to 65,536 (unsigned) ’s’, ’M’, ‘a’, ‘o’, ‘H’, ‘7’, ‘L’
byte 0 1 byte -128 to 127 5, 2, 7, 19, 100
short 0 2 bytes -32,768 to 32,767 2000, 2, 7, 19, 5, 1999
int 0 4 bytes -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 1, 88234, -9991, 22234
long 0 8 bytes -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 922337203685477L, -72202593477L, 882200333466L
float 0.0 4 bytes 123.4f, 3.14_15F
double 0.0 8 bytes 3.141592653589793d, 1.23456e300d

Working with Boolean

The boolean type has two values: true or false. You can perform logical operations with boolean values. You’ll learn more about logical operations later in the book.

Here’s an example of the boolean type.

boolean initialized = true;
boolean valid = false;

In the above example, we declared a boolean variable named initialized and assigned it true. We also declared another boolean variable named valid and assigned it false.

In C and C++, integer values can be used as boolean values, with 0 as false and any other value as true. Remember that in Java integers can’t be used as boolean values without explicit casting.

You will learn more about explicit casting later in the book.

Working with Integer Types

An integer is a number without any fractional or decimal portion.

There are four integer types you can use.

  • byte
  • short
  • int
  • long

You can store different range of integer values in each of these types. Because they differ in size.

The most commonly used integer type is int. It uses four bytes (32 bits) to store an integer value.

If you have read the previous chapters, you have already seen int in some examples. Let’s take a look at another example.

public class Cars {

    public static void main(String[] arguments) {
        int cars = 100;

If you want to store numbers greater than 2 billion, you can use long. It uses eight bytes (64 bits) to store an integer value.

All integer literals are of type int by default. What would you do if you wanted to assign a huge number like this 1234567890987 to a long variable? You must add L like this 1234567890987L.

Here’s an example where we try to assign a long variable.

public class HugeNumber {

    public static void main(String[] arguments) {
        long number = 2720001951999;

If you try to compile it, the compiler will generate errors. error: integer number too large: 1234567890987
        long number = 2720001951999;
1 error

This is the correct version of the previous example. This program will compile without any errors.

public class HugeNumber2 {

    public static void main(String[] arguments) {
        long number = 2720001951999L;

You can either use uppercaseL or lowercase l. We suggest you to use uppercaseL. Because lowercasel is confused with 1 many times.

The short and byte types use less memory than int and long types. They are not used commonly. Because saving a few bytes here or there doesn’t make any difference in performance. You will learn more about saving memory with byte and short when you learn about arrays.

In C and C++, the size of an integer data type depends on your compiler and environment. For example, the size of int may be four bytes in your computer. But it may be two bytes in your friends computer. This causes many problems.

This problem has been solved in Java. Because the language decides the sizes of the integer data types. They don’t depend on your compiler or environment. This way, the sizes remain same on all computers.

Working with Decimal Types

Decimal numbers are numbers that have fractional parts.

Decimal numbers are stored in exponential notation. It is also known as scientific notation. It has two parts: a base value and an exponent. The base value is also known as mantissa.

The actual value of a decimal number is calculated by multiplying its mantissa by two raised to its exponent. Here’s the mathematical formula.

mantissa × (2 ^ exponent)

There are two decimal types you can use.

  • float
  • double

The most commonly used decimal type is double. It uses eight bytes (64 bits) to store decimal values. It implements the IEEE 754 double-precision format. For double, the exponent ranges from -1023 to +1024.

The float type uses four bytes (32 bits) to store decimal values. It implements the IEEE 754 single-precision format. For float, the exponent ranges from –127 to +128.

You must add a suffix D or d to indicate that the literal is of double type. It is optional. Because all decimal literals are of type double by default.

What would you do if you wanted to assign 2.7 to a float variable? You must add a suffix uppercaseF or lowercasef to indicate that the literal is of float type.

Here’s an example.

public class AreaOfCircle {

    public static void main(String[] arguments) { 
        float r = 2.7f; 
        double pi = 22.0 / 7.0;
        System.out.println(pi * r * r);

We suggest you to never use float and double for precise values, such as currency.

Exponents in Decimal Numbers

You can write decimal numbers in scientific notation. Here’s a small example.

public class Example {

    public static void main(String[] arguments) {
        double n1 = 2.10e+6;
        double n2 = 2100000D;
        System.out.println("n1 = " + n1);
        System.out.println("n2 = " + n2);

In the above example, both n1 and n2 store the same value.

The exponent part either begins with uppercaseE or lowercasee. You can skip the sign if the exponent is positive.

You could have written 2.10e6 instead of 2.10e+6 in the previous example.

Working with Characters

The char type represents a single Unicode character. It uses two bytes (16 bits) to store a character.

Remeber that a character is not the same as a string. You will learn more about strings later in this chapter. A character can store just one character. But a string can store zero or more characters.

You can use a character literal to represent a character. A character literal is enclosed in single quotes. Whereas, a string is enclosed in double quotes.

Here’s an example where we assign character literal to a char variable.

char n = 'S';

Here’s another example where we try to assign a string to a char variable.

public class Example {

    public static void main(String[] arguments) {
        char k = "H"; // Use single quotes to represent characters.

If you try to compile it, the compiler will generate errors. Because we tried to assign a string to a char variable. A character literal uses single quote (') not double quotes (").