Creating Inner Class

You can create a class inside another class. An inner class exists to help the class within which it is declared. It is also known as a nested class.

Here is the general form of an inner class.

modifiers class OuterClass {

    modifiers class InnerClass {

Inner classes are useful in several situations.

An inner class is similar to a helper class. But it can access the private members of the outer class, which a helper class cannot. Yes, this is possible because the private members of the outer class are accessible within its body, and the inner class exists within the body of the outer class.

You can declare an inner class as static, if you want to access only the static fields. In order to access instance members, the inner class should be an instance member itself.

If only one class is depedent on another class, is a good idea to define the other class inside the dependent class. This keeps your code organized. Further, the relationship between the classes is more clear.

Here is an example of an inner class.

public class HelloWorld {
    private class Message {
        Message() {
            System.out.println("The inner class says, 'Hello world!'");
    public void printMessage() {
        new Message();
    public static void main() {
        HelloWorld world = new HelloWorld();

In order to access the inner class, you need to create an instance of the outer class. This is because the Message class was declared as an instance member. Which means, only other instance members can access this class.

This is why, we first create an instance of the HelloWorld class. Then we invoke the printMessage method which takes care of creating an instance of the Message class.

The message is printed in the constructor of the Message class. The instance is of no further use. This is why we did not save a reference to it.

In fact, you could have created an instance of the Message class from the main() method like this.

world.Message message = new world.Message();

Notice that a reference to the HelloWorld object is required to access the Message class and its constructor.