Working with Comments

Comments are texts that are ignored by the compiler. They help you write information or explanation about your code. You can use comments to hide a part of your code.

We recommend you to use plenty of comments in your source code.

Types of Comments

There are 3 types of comments in Java.

  • Single Line Comment
  • Multi-Line Comment
  • Documentation Comment

Single Line Comments

A single line comment begins with // and ends at the end of the line. Everything you type after // is ignored by the compiler.

Here’s an example.

area = 2 * (width + breadth); // Calculate the area of the rectangle.

If you want, you can move the comment on a separate line.

// Calculate the area of the rectangle.
area = 2 * (width + breadth);

Here’s another example where the statement is broken onto two lines.

area = 2 * (width + breadth) // Calculate the area of the rectangle.
    - 100; // Then subtract 100 from it.

Multi-Line Comments

A multi-line comment begins with /* and ends with */. It can span over multiple lines.

Here’s an example.

Calculate the area of the rectangle.
Then subtract 100 from it.
area = 2 * (width + breadth) - 100;

Here’s another example.

/* Calculate the area of the rectangle.
Then subtract 100 from it. */
area = 2 * (width + breadth) - 100;

A multi-line comment can begin and end anywhere on a line.

Here’s an example where the comment is placed in the expression.

area = 2 * (width + breadth) /* Calculate the area of the rectangle.*/ - 100 /* Then subtract 100 from it. */;

Usually, multi-line comments appear on separate lines.

Multi-line comments cannot be nested. Here’s an example which results in error when you try to compile.

 This is a comment.
 /* This is a nested comment. */

Documentation Comments

A documentation comment begins with /** and ends with */. It can span over multiple lines. It is similar to multi-line comments.