Understanding Identifiers

Identifiers are the names you give to variables, methods, classes, interfaces, and enumerations. Unlike literals, identifiers only help you reference something.

The program shown in the first example uses seven identifiers. * Hello * main * String * arguments * System * out * println

  • Identifiers are case sensitive. For example, ArrayList with uppercase a and arrayList with lowercase a are two different identifiers.
  • Identifiers may contain uppercase or lowercase letters, numerals, underscore characters _, and dollar symbols $.
  • Identifiers must begin with a letter or an underscore. For example, f07 is a valid identifier, but 7feb isn’t. Because it begins with a numeral.
  • You can’t use a keyword as an identifier. For example, double isn’t a valid identifier.
  • You have to avoid using dollar symbols in identifiers.

Here’s an example of valid identifiers.


Here’s an example of invalid identifiers.

void /* void is a keyword. You can't use a keyword as an identifier. */
hello world /* An identifier can't have spaces. */
3dCube /* An identifier can't begin with a numeral. */
a*a /* An identifier can't have symbols. */