Samuel Rowe

Samuel Rowe, who?

Hi. I am Samuel Rowe. I am 20 years old. I am a programmer from Bangalore, India. I have been programming since I was 13 years old.

I envision a world where coding is not limited by verbosity and complexity. My experience in Java and C helps me find new opportunities to improve technology.

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Compiler Design
Cloud Computing
Web Developement




Zen is a general purpose programming language designed to build simple, reliable and efficient programs. The project includes the reference compiler, virtual machine, and disassembler.

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JTK is a library designed for writing applications and libraries in C. It provides core utilities such as collections, unit testing, I/O streams, threads and much more.

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Issue Tracker

A simple issue tracker built using the MERN stack, where users can add, filter, edit, and delete issues. Further, reports can be generated to prioritize work.

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"Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose."
— Bill Gates